Thursday, December 07, 2006

We do - therefore - We are

In Batman Begins, Katie Holmes says, “It’s not who you are that defines you, it’s what you do.” One might say, “I am a Christian that is who I am.” And this is true, but what does a Christian do? Are Christians to accept Christ, thus concluding their life? Are Christians to accept Christ and then do as we were before? Paul says, Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old has gone the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17).

The followers of Christ who truly loved him, acted out in service to him—helping others. They shared their gifts and talents. They came together as the body of Christ, to worship and adore him and to share this with others. They heal, comfort and express Christ unending love to all. While Stephan was being stoned to death he stood and as he was about to die he fell to his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” What is it that Stephan did for him to be stoned? What is it that we are doing?

I admire the commercial that starts off with someone picking up a doll for a girl that had dropped onto the street. A man reaches down and puts it back in the stroller. Someone off in the distance sees this and later he holds elevator doors open for a lady as they are about to close. Later this lady catches a man’s chair in her office as he was about to fall backwards and the man who was about to fall in his chair helps someone, and so on and so on to when it comes back around.

How is it that we serve Christ? When you truly love someone you do things for them; you show them your love. When we truly love Christ we do things for him. Whether it’s in a smile, a kind word, or catching a co-worker’s chair as they are about to fall backwards—we serve, we care, and we watch out for each other. We do; therefore we are.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9). It is by grace we will be able to hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant…..and then some.”

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